ADA Public Safety AI

ada ai
  • Plug and Play with existing CCTV Camera System
  • Non-GPU based  Video Analytics Engine

Problem Statement:

Intoday's rapidly evolving world, ensuring the safety and well-being of the public has become ap aramount concern. With the rise in violence, crime, and societal threats, conventional surveillance systems have struggled to keep pace with the challenges at hand.The limitations of traditional surveillance methods include the inability to proactively identify and intervene in potential violent situations, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to prevent crime effectively. In this context, there is a pressing need for advanced technological solutions that can providereal-time insights, enabling authorities to respond swiftly and decisively to emerging threats.
  • Conventional security measures lack the capability to proactively prevent violence and crime.
  • Identifying and intervening inviolent incidents is challenging with traditional surveillance systems.
  • Limited ability to effectively address public safety concerns in real-time.
  • The absence of advanced technology hinders the timely response to emerging threats.

Use Case:

ADA Public Safety AI integration with existing surveillance systems leverage object detection, facial recognition, behavior analysis, andanomaly detection to
proactively identify potential violence orcrime. ADA AI analyzing diverse data sources, enables wift intervention, enhancing public safety.

• Behavior analysis algorithms detect anomalies.
• Alerts for immediate intervention.
• Predictive analytics forecast crime hotspots.
• Dangerous object detection.
• Real-time insights allow for swift responses.


ADA Public Safety AI in surveillance ensures public safety through facial recognition, behavior analysis, and anomaly detection. ADA AI also identifies dangerous objects, providing swift responses to emerging threats for a saferenvironment.

  • Behavior analysis algorithms detect anomalies.
  • Predictive analytics help forecast potential crime hotspots, enabling strategic resource allocation.
  • Real-time insights from AI-based surveillance systems facilitate swift responses.
  • The integration of AI ensures a proactive approach, reducing the likelihood of violence and crime.
  • Robust regulations are crucial for ethical use, protecting individual privacy and civil liberties.
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+65 8222 6836