ADA Crowd Density in School AI

ada ai
  • Plug and Play with existing CCTV Camera System
  • Non-GPU based  Video Analytics Engine

Problem Statement:

Overcrowding in schools, especially during class transitions and canteen breaks, can lead to safety concerns and disruptions. Traditional surveillance systems often fall short in efficiently monitoring and managing these crowd density issues.4

  • Overcrowding during peak hours issue
  • Monitoring and managing crowd density
  • Lack of a reliable and data-driven system
  • Manual monitoring methods are time-consuming, error-prone
  • Ensuring student safety, especially during class transitions and canteen breaks

Use Case:

By integrating ADA Crowd Density AI, schools can deploy a system that uses real-time video analysis to monitor crowd density in different school areas. It can notify administrators when crowded conditions exceed safe limits, enabling timely interventions to ensure the well-being of students.

  • ADA Crowd Density AI can accurately track the number of students present in specific areas
  • Real-time video analysis allows for precise monitoring and assessment of crowd density during peak hours
  • Accurate headcounts and safe occupancy limits
  • Enabling timely interventions to maintain safety and order
  • Reduce the risk of accidents, ensure student well-being, and enhance the overall educational experience.


ADA Crowd Density AI-powered surveillance can provide data-driven insights to optimize scheduling and resource allocation, ensuring smooth transitions and efficient canteen operations. ADA AI technology streamlines crowd control, enhances safety, and improves the overall school experience.

  • Optimize crowd control and ensure safety
  • Efficient monitoring and alerts
  • Create a secure and conducive learning environment.
  • Enhanced security measures reduce the risk of accidents and rule violations
  • Data-driven scheduling and resource allocation improve the overall flow of school operations
ada series

+65 8222 6836